Ledakan di Konser Ariana Grande Telan Korban Jiwa

Ledakan di Konser Ariana Grande Telan Korban Jiwa
Quote:Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Polisi setempat menyatakan sejumlah korban jiwa jatuh dalam insiden ledakan di Manchester Arena, Inggris, tempat diadakannya konser Ariana Grande, Selasa (23/5).

Lewat Facebook, Kepolisian Manchester menyatakan "layanan darurat sedang merespons laporan terjadinya ledakan di Manchester Arena."

"Terdapat sejumlah korban tewas dan beberapa lainnya terluka. Dimohon jauhi area tersebut karena tim sedang bekerja di lokasi."

"Detail soal korban akan menyusul sesegera mungkin," demikian pernyataan polisi sebagaimana dikutip CNN.

Dilaporkan telah terjadi dua ledakan besar bertepatan dengan konser tersebut.

Kepolisian Transportasi Inggris mengatakan kepada CNN, pihaknya sedang memproses penutupan sejumlah jalur di area kejadian.

Sementara itu, video dari dekat lokasi menunjukkan iring-iringan ambulans menuju ke arena.


4L kah?

live update di : http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk...dates-10478943

Update on all that we know so far
  • Emergency services are dealing with a major incident at the arena following reports of an explosion.
  • GMP has confirmed “a number of fatalities and others injured.”
  • British Transport Police officers say they responded to reports of an explosion in the foyer of the arena, where singer Ariana Grande had just finished performing, at around 10.30pm.
  • It’s not yet clear what caused the incident, but there are multiple reports of ‘loud explosions’ or ‘bangs’.
  • There is a heavy armed police presence in the area. A bomb disposal unit is also at the scene.
  • The surrounding area has been cordoned off, and transport in and out of Manchester is disrupted.
  • Police are treating the incident as a potential terrorist attack

Reports of at least 20 dead and many injured after two explosions in Manchester Arena 